One way I stay (slightly) organized with school work.

So I LOVE organizing, I love sorting and filing and color coding and planning.

But I am not so great at the implementing of the systems that I create or envision.

I HAVE however found this workbox system to help a lot!

I bought this organizer rack:

This was easy to assemble and seems plenty sturdy enough for our purposes. I did insert the drawers in rainbow order because you gotta love Roy G. Biv!

I love that it has 10 drawers for Ellie (7) and 5 bigger drawers for Penny (4)
I can put a number puzzle in Penny's math drawer and assignments for Ellie in her matching color drawer. Penny's bins are larger to fit games and more toy-like activities.

Red is Math
Orange is writing and reading. I have her pick a few books she can read (mostly) on her own each Sunday.
Green is science
Blue is social studies/geography/history
Purple is poetry and art.

Since we have 2 of each color, I thought of having her put her finished work in the second drawer of each color, so I can hole punch and keep the work samples at the end of the week. There is not much for work samples of social studies or poetry, so I will have to decide how to make that work. I might just have 1 "finished work" drawer for all subjects.

The part I was skeptical about this system is my refilling the drawers each day as I had seen others were using it as daily workboxes. So instead, each Sunday, I set up 5 math assignments and 5 writing assignments for Ellie and put some activities, color pages, or books in Penny's drawers. I just use post it notes and paperclips for "Monday" through "Friday" on each assignment. I set up 1-3 science or social studies assignments or projects. Much of our social studies are just from the chapter books we read though, so those drawers have been light.

I put in everything that is needed for the assignment, a ruler, dice, counters or manipulatives in the drawer so there is no question about not being able to do it due to not knowing where the scissors are or something.

A couple of our super large books wont fit in the drawers, so I just write ''read page x-x in x book" on a piece of paper in the drawer and the books live on top of the rack.

The next step is to make labels for each bin so that Ellie can move a label from one side to the other when she completes the daily work.

So far this system is helping, especially with dad being able to facilitate school work while I am working. Kids can get their work done sooner in the day so more time for fun!

*any amazon links are my affiliate links, if you buy anything after visiting my links I might get a very small commission, this does not cost you any extra


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