
Showing posts from June, 2019


We have done a few dinosaur studies over the last year. One of the Wolf rank optional requirements for Cub Scouts is a study of dinosaurs. We watched a lot of Dino Dan and Dino Dana, and used the resources in this TPT unit: Most recently, we went to this store: Prehistoric   in Lincoln City on our vacation. In addition to lots of fossils, and animatronic dinos, they have a fossil dig and geology sluicing activity. A few days later was Paleontology day at Ballyntyne Learning Farm Teacher Kiely did a lesson on how fossils form over millions of years and how Paleontoligists find dig and study fossils. After examining some real fossils, we went on a hike up the hill at the farm, found some real deer bones (likely left from a cougar meal) to examine and found dig sites Kiely had set up ahead of time: kids found multiple "fossils" at their dig site. Here is another blogger post about making them at home. On the walk, kids gathered leaves, sticks and pieces of...