Learning about America

As a start of our Build Your Library Trip around the World, we started with USA

We signed up for a postcard exchange to send and receive postcards from every state in USA 
  • Made USA puzzle stick-up board. 
    • We put the puzzle together on top of paper in a glass-less frame, and then we traced each state piece as we took them puzzle apart. Then I covered it with sticky-side-up clear contact paper.
    • As we have received postcards from different states, we read about them and stick the coordinating puzzle piece up on the frame. 

Chapter Books We Read: 
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Science: Animal Studies: 
  • Polar Bear: 
    • Read books looked at pictures. 
    • National Geographic animal poetry book: "Polar Bear Rap" and "Polar Bear." 
    • Craft: painted polar bears (i just found clipart and printed it on blue paper and provided white paint.)

Worksheet: Penny did animal profile. 

  • California Condor:
    • Ellie watched videos and learned why they're endangered. 
    • Drew a Condor. 
    • Worksheet: Ellie did condor coloring pages and animal profile.
    • When we went to the zoo a few weeks later, we spent extra time watching the condor: 

Landmarks: Statue of Liberty 
We watched a reading of The Story of the Statue of Liberty  (because I could not find our copy of the book?) 
and watched This video  and a few others about Statue of Liberty. And we colored a picture of the Statue of Liberty for our world map. I attached it to a pipecleaner and taped the pipe cleaner to both France and New York so the statue could slide from France to New York. 

We also read Our Liberty Bell
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Listened to patriotic music. 

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We also chose books depicting a variety of life across USA: 

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