Learning about America
As a start of our Build Your Library Trip around the World, we started with USA
We signed up for a postcard exchange to send and receive postcards from every state in USA
- Made USA puzzle stick-up board.
- We put the puzzle together on top of paper in a glass-less frame, and then we traced each state piece as we took them puzzle apart. Then I covered it with sticky-side-up clear contact paper.
- As we have received postcards from different states, we read about them and stick the coordinating puzzle piece up on the frame.
- We read about the USA children in Children Just Like Me- Montana, Ohio, New Jersey, South Carolina and in old Children Just Like Me Alaska
Chapter Books We Read:
- Sign of the Beaver Sign of the Beaver

- The Birchbark House The Birchbark House
- Craft: "tanned hides" crumpled and wrinkled Manila envelopes up until they got soft and fabric-y. Sewed Native American Barbie doll dress.
- Little House in the Big Woods
- Science tie-in: baked bread from scratch and made homemade butter (similarly to how to did it when we studied the Oregon Trail.
- For more science, while waiting for it to bake, we watched The Magic School Bus get baked into a cake
- Craft: did clove apples
Science: Animal Studies:
- Polar Bear:
- Read books looked at pictures.
- National Geographic animal poetry book: "Polar Bear Rap" and "Polar Bear."
- Craft: painted polar bears (i just found clipart and printed it on blue paper and provided white paint.)
Worksheet: Penny did animal profile.
- California Condor:
- Ellie watched videos and learned why they're endangered.
- Drew a Condor.
- Worksheet: Ellie did condor coloring pages and animal profile.
- When we went to the zoo a few weeks later, we spent extra time watching the condor:
Landmarks: Statue of Liberty
We watched a reading of The Story of the Statue of Liberty (because I could not find our copy of the book?)
and watched This video and a few others about Statue of Liberty. And we colored a picture of the Statue of Liberty for our world map. I attached it to a pipecleaner and taped the pipe cleaner to both France and New York so the statue could slide from France to New York.

We also read Our Liberty Bell

Listened to patriotic music.
We Read America A Patriotic Primer

We also chose books depicting a variety of life across USA:
- Welcome to Our Neighborhood - A Barrio alphabet.
- Roxaboxen - Arizona
- The Prairie That Nature Built
- One Morning in Maine (which is a great tooth-loss story)
- Summertime book about the song Summertime From Opera Porgy And Bess -South Carolina
- Maxie - apartment living in a city
- Alaska's Inside Passage
- Akiak - Alaskan iditarod story
- Salmon Princess (Alaskan Cinderella story)
- Over in the Meadow
- Babies in the Bayou
- When I was Young in the Mountains
- The Mud Pony - Skidi Paynee Tale
- Kiki's Journey - Tiwa Indian heritage story
- The Eagle's Song - Pacific Northwest tale
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