Spring: Flower Unit Study

 The plan was to transition from Pirates straight into a spring and Easter theme, but that took a bit longer than planned so we decided Spring is still happening so we got to it. 

I decorated our kids craft shelf again to brighten up the entire house (its a loft so this is the center of one side)

Under the window are some flower lights I had bought a yard sale forever ago. The wreath at the top of the window I made long ago and blogged about on my home blog I started a hundred years ago when I thought I could be a great daily blogger. 

I bought these plastic flower pots from the Dollar Tree (6/$1) not sure what I would do with them because they are very flimsy then got the idea to showcase the different parts of a flower, dissecting a couple different silk flowers (also from the DT). I used scrap green felt, a pool noodle I just happen to have in my craft room and some hot glue. The plant label stakes are 10/$1 from DT too. 

On the oppsite "wall" (actually a room dividing wardrobe and book case) I hung our flower poster (from USDA Forestry Service found here) and our plants we eat poster no source(was in a free bundle from an ex-teacher years ago).

The dandelion and bluebell flower life cycles are part of a lovely unit study we are using by Gabitat Emporium 

The All About Plants word cards are from a great unit study we are using from Kickin it in Kindergarten on Teachers Pay Teachers

I actually changed this wall when I thought to use the magnet board (that is under the Plants we Eat poster) for a math activity. I got this flower pot math activity from Cirque Du Sewell 

I have saved old freebie magnets in a basket in my craft room for just such an occasion, I hate to think to buy something that comes in the mail (or in this case an old employer) for free. The flowers can just slide into the pots. The flower set comes with subtraction flowers too, in a different flower shape (which I appreciate), So we can play with these for a while then switch then probably mix. I did skip printing the smallest math, 0+ and 1+ questions because those are super easy for my kiddo, but the 1,2 ns 3 pots will be there for the subtraction ones. The metal bucket is from the dollar tree and actually says "Flower and Garden" on it, and I bought it not knowing what to with it when I had planned on doing this unit. 

Here is a wonky panorama of the flower, plant and spring books we had in our collection

(Book list at the bottom of the blog)

normally the books will stay in the basket and paper sorters on either end of the shelf, but I do have some more planting projects in the works so may have to move to a different shelf. 

This is a little cubby for extra storage space for some spring kits I bought, but primarily for my toddler, her spring puzzle and flower garden toy (I will add more about this later) live here. The bottom shelf may get some more springy hands on activities as we go along. 

Full transparency: 2 year old pulled down the lights later on this same day, but she has been pulling off and replacing the little flower and leaf light covers, so Im going to call that fine motor skills and just let it be. 

We had to put our lady bug "bean bag" chair, which is actually filled with stuffed animals. 

We are following the outline of the Herbology unit portion of the Build Your Library Harry Potter Unit study, we had done the HP portion in fall so we saved the Herbology and did other things for science at that time. I appreciated that the Harry Potter assignments were separated from the Herbology portion. The first activity was label the parts of a plant, and my kids both had to add extra stuff to theirs. 

One of Penny's Easter gifts were these flower pots made for painting. 

Also on the list: flower petal pressing using this kit: 

We also got this game to play 

We also pulled a few flower pages from this freebie at Stephanie Hathaway Designs, I have loved a lot of things from her store! I also just go the Violet unit and the Sunflower study that I am looking forward to using. 

Spring Flowers, Seeds, Garden and Plants Book List: 

This is by no means an all inclusive list, just the ones we own worth mentioning. 

The Secret Garden

The Dandelion Seed

The Carrot Seed

DK Eyewitness Books PLANT

Growing Vegetable Soup (This book is free with Amazon Kids+)

Carrot Holes and Frisbee Trees

This is a favorite of mine, a bit long, but such a great lovely story of problem solving and making the best of what you have. 

Arbor Day Square 

On April 10, 1872, an estimated one million trees were planted in Nebraska, this is the story of Arbor Day. . 

And Then Its Spring

Planting the Wild Garden 

This book shows how nature spreads seeds in many ways. 

What is a Flower

Flowers (Eyewitness explorers)

The Tiny Seed A Classic Eric Carle

One Small Square Backyard

Magic School Bus Plants Seeds

Heroes of the Vegetable Patch

There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose

Fun with Nature


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