Spring: Flower Unit Study

The plan was to transition from Pirates straight into a spring and Easter theme, but that took a bit longer than planned so we decided Spring is still happening so we got to it. I decorated our kids craft shelf again to brighten up the entire house (its a loft so this is the center of one side) Under the window are some flower lights I had bought a yard sale forever ago. The wreath at the top of the window I made long ago and blogged about on my home blog I started a hundred years ago when I thought I could be a great daily blogger. I bought these plastic flower pots from the Dollar Tree (6/$1) not sure what I would do with them because they are very flimsy then got the idea to showcase the different parts of a flower, dissecting a couple different silk flowers (also from the DT). I used scrap green felt, a pool noodle I just happen to have in my craft room and some hot glue. The plant label stakes are 10/$1 from DT too. On the oppsite "wall" (actually a ro...