Eggcelent Eggsperements

I was inspired by a chapter in Children of the Noisy Village and it being chick season (and seeing chicks at the farm supply store) to do a egg/chick unit study.

We got some books from the library:

coloring the chick life cycle pictures.

Checking out the membrane

looking for the chalazae

We printed some free coloring pages, label egg parts label chicken parts and life cycle pages from the google, and watched Magic School Bus Cracks a Yolk. (also on Netflix)

We of course had to crack open some eggs to examine (and cook them for dinner). Since the air pocket is on the big end, we were careful to crack in the middle to be able to examine the air pocket. This is a great video about how chicks breathe on YouTube

Ellie also got out her microscope and remembered she had a foul feather slide in one of her sets and examined it.

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