
Ellie is taking an enrichment class this term and the first 2 lessons were about flight, Amelia Earhart and the Wright Brothers, so we pulled out some flight books to read this week.

Ellie and Penny have listened to it multiple times, (they LOVE audio books).

Quick pic I snapped while she was "in" class

We also found there is an "Air of the Wolf" unit in her Cub Scouts curriculum book so at the den meeting that week, the scouts all folded paper airplanes and learned more about how air works.
(no pics of that, sorry)

Then a week or so later, by sheer luck or homeschool magic, the Evergreen Air and Space museum hosted a homeschool day while The Paper Airplane Guy was there and we got to learn how to fold the record breaking (for length of flight) paper airplane.
This Conan appearance shows how awesome he is:


And this is his book:
The New World Champion Paper Airplane Book: Featuring the World Record-Breaking Design, with Tear-Out Planes to Fold and Fly

and take a "behind the ropes" tour of the museum

The Evergreen Space Museum houses the Spruce Goose plane so we watched: this Yogi Bear special just for fun:
Yogi Bear and the Magical Flight of the Spruce Goose

and for my own enjoyment, hubby and I watched:
The Aviator
The Aviator
(which is about Howard Hughes, including his inventing the Spruce Goose)

I love it when we can garner experience and education from multiple sources to build on an interest.

*any amazon links are my affiliate links, if you buy anything after visiting my links I might get a very small commission, this does not cost you any extra


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