Homeschool Theme Easter Baskets (could be stocking stuffer or birthday themes too) and bonus: Book recommendations

This year, Ellie got an "inventor" themed basket.
Hot glue gun:

Big roll of rope:

Pulleys: (the rope fit the pulleys, which I almost did not think to be certain of)

This book:

Duck Tape:
And candy of course!
Other ideas: tools, wire/cutters, motors and circuit sets, popcicle sticks,

Penny got a writer/planner/scrapbook theme:
Colored pens

(I highly recommend these colored pens, they write smooth and the retractable means no pen caps to lose!)
More stickers
This book (because "EB" wanted her to have it).
and candy of course!
Other ideas: actual planner (she already had one) planner accessories like bookmarks, charms, personalized cover etc.

Both of these books are a homeschool moms dream! fun and exciting with opportunities to learn history, geography and stem!
I may do a series of blog posts about what we did with the stories to expand on the books.

*any amazon links are my affiliate links, if you buy anything after visiting my links I might get a very small commission, this does not cost you any extra


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