Viva Mexico!

So we planned North America out so that we could be studying Mexico during Dia De Los Muertos 

Some of the books we used:

Elena's Serenade (Americas Award for Children's and Young Adult Literature. Commended) 
This is a book about a girl who is told she cannot become a glass blower, so we also found some videos of glass blowing in Mexico on YouTube. 




This pairs nicely with the Flight of the Butterfly documentary we watched when we learned about Canada:

We also made a day of the dead altar craft from a book we got from the library and watched 
while we ate some take-out Mexican food. 

For another craft, we found paper flowers plans in a multicultural craft book I had:
Basically we just raided the tissue paper gift wrap stash and cut blobbly circles from various colors and stacked, punched holes and made pipe cleaner stems, then we put them all in a vase for our table for a few weeks. 

Below is an excerpt from my overall Mexico lesson plan. We did not do all of it, but I included it for your reference:
Language Arts: Learn words in Spanish
Land features The Rio Grande- Read about the river. 
Science:Atlas: sonoron desert
Recipe: Homemade tortillas
History:Mayan temple, aztec
Math:Quesadilla Fractions

Nature: Western Diamond Back video from Disneynature video tin
Monarch Butterfly study
Craft/Art: Papel picado, tissue paper flowers,   Day of the Dead craft
OA coloring page x2Gods eye craft
Music: Ahi Esta La Luna song
Mariachi band
Game: Little Passports online taco game
Ball/cup toy from Little Passports
Sensory: Desert sand in sensory bin
Chocolate playdough
Field Trip: Mexican restaurant

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